Bible Clip Art
$ Fotolia
This stock art company includes illustrations of Biblical topics.

This affordable stock photography and illustration company offers many similar images which can be useful in powerpoint or class handouts, bulletins, worksheets, and more.

Pictures at La Vista Church of Christ

A large and comprehensive collection of color and black and white illustrations scanned from public domain Sunday School books. Covers a great number of lessons.

Christ Art

Offers color and black and white clip art which is free to use if you credit the site. Offers a unique, background color changer useful for web sites.

Clipart at Christians Unite

This site has a great number of older, public domain images which are well organized and cover a great deal of topics.

Bible Picture Gallery
Offers small, free images for teaching use. Well annotated, and easy to find "more on this theme".

Tabernacle Images
These are copyrighted, but are excellent for individual study and use.