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![]() Your Story Hour Volume 3 - Audiobook on CD These wonderful, fully dramatized recordings bring the Bible to life by realistically portraying your favorite Old and New Testament stories. Designed for use by families of all Christian faiths, these recordings are non-doctrinal and inter-faith in nature. Complete with sound effects and music. Enacted by a professional cast. Exciting, educational, and entertaining. 24 stories including: Midnight on the Hill of Hachilah; David Seeks a Home; The Battle of Gilboa; Surprise Attack; The Coronation; A Tunnel to Success; The King and the Ark; The Crippled Prince; A Prophecy Fulfilled; David's Great Sin and His Repentance; Absalom the Rebellious Prince Part 1 & 2; A Victory Turned to Mourning; The Hermit and the King; The Fourth Son of David; The Kingdom Divided; And Then It Rained; The Flying Chariot; The Woman of Shunem; Captive Maid; The Invisible Army; The Mystery of the Disappearing Army; The Mystery of the Backward Moving Sun; The New Queen; The Forgotten Reward. 12 CDs.
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David and Bathsheba Lesson 2 Samuel 11-12 Lesson Text As David walked on the roof of his house one evening, he saw a beautiful woman taking a bath. Someone told him she was Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, a Hittite soldier off fighting with David’s army. David should have put Bathsheba out of his mind when he heard she was married, but he didn’t. Read the entire lesson text... In this lesson, David makes his worst mistake yet. He takes his neighbor's wife, and tries to cover it up. He kills the woman's husband when he can't conceal the error. But God knows the truth. Can we hide from God? No. Can we cover up our sin? No - it just leads to more sin. Discussion Point: David has a habit of letting situations escalate. When he was hiding in Ziklag, his lies became betrayal. When he moved the ark incorrectly, Uzzah died. Now, a man and a baby die for his sin.
Nathan tells David he is just like this man because he took Uriah's only wife. David is very upset. He begs God's forgiveness and prepares to do what he can to restore his relationship with God.
Activity: Add to the good and bad points David on his chart: he took what wasn't his, killed Uriah, lied and hid his sins; he repented Sing: Be Careful Little Eyes What You See Vocabulary: Content - being happy with what we have. How do we become content? Give thanks for what we have. Draw something you are thankful for. Lead the class in a group prayer of thanks to God. When you see something you want, name two things that you already have that you like and thank whoever gave them to you.Start with a clean white piece of paper. Wad up some small lump of paper and glue it to the other. Now provide material for the students to try and "cover up" the lump (sin). Have various materials like fabric, tissue paper, cardboard, etc available. When they are done, ask them if any of the pages are unspotted - or clean as the original. Discuss how adding more things to cover up a sin just makes the original wad bigger. Memory Work: 2 Sam 12:9a "Why have you despised the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in his sight?"True or False