
To Remember: Faith is trust in God

To have faith is to believe in something; to trust that it is so. Some people believe everything they are told. Others require proof for everything. Most people cannot have faith in something unless they know something about it. That is why God has always provided man with lots of proof of his existence and his love - so we can easily believe it and have faith in him.
Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (KJV)
We believe in God for many reasons: because we can see the incredible creation all around us, because he has provided witnesses to testify of him, because we see him working in the lives of those around us, and in our lives. God has never asked us to have a "blind faith" or a faith with no basis. It would be silly to believe in something you have absolutely NO evidence of. God has given his people many reasons to believe in him and his promises.
John 20:31 But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (NRSV)
Do you believe that Australia exists? Have you ever been there? I have not seen Australia with my own eyes, but I have seen pictures of it. I have spoken to people from Australia. Many reputable people agree that it is there. Based on these evidences, I have no reason to doubt that there is a continent named Australia on the other side of the world. We may not see God himself in this life, but there is evidence all around that he exists, and that he keeps his promises.This is not to say that we will always understand everything about God. We can't.
Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts; nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
But - we can know that God always tells us the truth, and that his promises will always be fulfilled.
Titus 1:2 in the hope of eternal life that God, who never lies, promised before the ages began. (NRSV)
SING: This is my father's world  or He's got the whole world in his hands

  • For older kids: have students list the evidence that supports their belief that:
    • their parents love them
    • gravity will work tomorrow
    • Jesus loves me
  • For younger kids: (but not preschoolers)
    • Make a worksheet (use clipart or cut pictures from magazines) that has real and imaginary things. Have children circle the objects they believe in. (Alternatively, make a list of real and imaginary things and have them state which is which, or have them cut pictures from magazines showing both real and imaginary items.
True or False
  1. Faith means to believe.  T
  2. It's ok to belief in things you have no proof of.   F
  3. We believe in God because he has proven himself to us.  T
  4. We can understand everything about God.  F
  5. Everything God promises will happen.  T
  • Memory Work
    • Hebrews 11:6  "And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would approach him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him."
    • 2 Tim. 1:12 "...But I am not ashamed, for I know the one in whom I have put my trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard until that day what I have entrusted to him."
  • Worksheet: Tust in God, Faith Cryptogram, Faith Crossword
Questions for Review or use with gameboard

 linguistic questions

  1. What are two words that are similar to faith?  trust, belief
  2. Cite the memory verse.
  3. Describe to your classmates something (place, one) you have seen and they haven't.
  activity questions
  1. Draw something you believe in that you can't see.
  2. Play a quick round of 20 questions where the student thinks of something and the other have to guess what it is.
  emotion questions
  1. Describe how it feels to NOT trust someone.
  2. How would you feel if someone refused to believe that you existed?
application questions
  1. Does God expect us to have reasons for believing in him?
  2. Should we expect others to believe in God just cause we say so?
fact questions
  1. Name two evidences that God exists.
  2. Why did Jesus perform miracles?
review questions
  1. Why did Noah build the ark?
  2. Why did the apostles write down what they knew about Jesus?