Kids are familiar with trading cards, and can memorize all kinds of
information from them. Use Bible Trading Cards to help students learn about
the men and women, good and bad, in your lessons from the Old and New

Each Bible trading card has:
a unique graphic
a scripture reference about the person or parable
a pertinent Bible verse
a bulleted list of important facts about the character
or parable
a timeline showing when they lived
a category symbol that places the character among his
or her peers
Purchase Printed Cards
- Ready to use: cut, cornered, laminated
- Grouped by subject (averages 14 cards)
- Effective incentive for classes
- Great gift
- Covers the entire Old and New Testament
- Ideas for
using the cards in classes
Neighbor Cards
combine to tell a story
Categories help students remember roles
places characters relative to each other
- Numbered for easy organization and collection
- Available in
small or large sets
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Bible Trading Card Features

Free Files: Make Your Own
My name is Therese V. and I have brought a few of your
products. My main purchase is the Bible Trading Cards. I
give them out as rewards to my students. I teach children’s
church ages 8 thru 12 years olds. Between 40 to 70 kids.
When I first start teaching that class I wanted to do something the
leader did, is hand out wow’s for something they said that wow her,
or exceptional in something they did. However her reward was
$1.00. I did not want to hand out money so I searched the
internet years ago and found the Bible Trading cards. The
leader approved them and the kids enjoyed them. After
a while I felt it was a big expense and I did not feel the kids were
getting much out of them anymore. I told the Lord I wanted to
change to the Bible trading cards at the dollar store, they were
less expensive and not as nice or educational. One day the Lord
had me ask the class how they spend their time studying the word of
God. A large percentage of the kids that did share were
talking about the Bible Trading Cards. They were using them as
a reference guild, a topic to study, a game the made up, etc.
It amazed me how many of them use the cards. I was so proud of
them. The Lord was showing me that he did not want me to give
up the Bible Trading Cards. So not matter what I get them.
Sometimes I had them out to quickly, but when I think of all the
kids that learn from them, it is a blessing and not an expense.
My goal is the spread the gospel to these Children so they can be an
example to others and share the Good News to others.
If the Bible Trading Cards helps them learn, study and grow then I
will never stop purchasing them. I thought about printing them
myself, but the expense of the cardstock, ink and laminate would be
just as costly and it would not look as professional.
You have a lot of great stuff.
Sample Card Ideas
Lay out the cards with the graphics side
up. Read facts from the back of the card and have students pick out the person or parable you
Usethem as incentive prizes, graduation gifts, Christmas gifts or as a giveaway for other events.
Check out the
Idea Page
for many more great ideas.