Jesus Answers Trick Questions To Remember:
answer the real question
Tax: money paid to a government
Pharisee: a group of Jews who were very ritualistic
Sadducee: priestly class of Jews who ruled the nation under Rome's
Lesson: The Pharisees and Sadducees were two groups of Jews that
pretty much ran all religion in Israel. The Sadducees were priests
who kept power by working with the Roman government. The Pharisees
were a radical group that was very popular with the poor for their
great shows of piety. Both groups were jealous of and threatened by
the popularity of Jesus and his claim to be the promised Messiah
In order to get Jesus in trouble, the Pharisees and Sadducees
would ask Jesus trick questions. they thought that no matter what
Jesus answered, he would get in trouble with either the people or
the government. Jesus knew that they did not really want a true
answer, but he did not refuse to answer their questions. Instead, in
his knowledge and deity, he was able to answer their questions in a
way that no one could refute.
Pharisees': The Question: The Pharisees asked Jesus
whether the Jews should support the Roman government with taxes. The
Trick: If Jesus said they should, the people would be angry for they
resented Roman rule and expected their Messiah to defeat Rome. If
Jesus said they shouldn't, the Pharisees could turn him in to the
Romans for rebellion. The Answer: Give to Caesar's what is [already]
his, and give to God what is [already] his. Jesus described a
difference between what was God's and what was man's. God wanted the
heart of his people, which they would not give. Caesar's wanted
tribute, which they resented. Jesus said there was no conflict.
Besides, it is all God's to begin with.
When the Pharisees failed, the Sadducees thought they
could trap Jesus with a question. The Question: If a woman is
married several times (as God proscribed), whose wife will she be in
heaven? The Trick: They thought this question proved there was no
life after death. They were attempting to make Jesus look
uneducated. The Answer: Life after death is not like life here -
there is no marriage. If they had correctly understood the
scriptures they could have known this, because God said he is
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not was their God. They
had limited God's power to raise the dead, and they had ignored
scripture when it did not fit their opinions.
Discussion: What is the real question being asked?
Sometimes, when we talk to others about Jesus, the questions they
ask us aren't really the questions they want answers to. There is an
important difference between a sincere question about our faith or
Jesus' teachings, and a hypothetical question designed to create
controversy or rebut ideas. We must be careful to avoid trying to
"win" a discussion rather than "winning" souls. If a debate gets to
sound like "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" just
remember, God made them both!
Object Lesson:
Print out the linked labels and
concepts. Have students match the correct concept to who it
belongs to. Parents should receive: honor, love, obedience,
assistance. Government should receive: respect, taxes, patriotism,
cooperation. God should receive: worship, devotion, commitment,
love, and reverence. Christians should receive: friendship, help,
and brotherly kindness.
True or False
Certain Jews were able to trick Jesus. F
Jesus answered their questions. T
The Pharisees cared more about appearance than service. T
The Sadducees were a poor, powerless group of Jews. F
The Pharisees and Sadducees learned a lot from Jesus. F
SING: This little light of mine
Activities Review Questions for
gameboard linguistic
What was a Pharisee?
What was a Sadducee?
What is a man's soul?
activity questions
Draw a Roman coin.
Act out the questioners of Jesus.
Ask another student a review question.
emotion questions
Do people resent paying taxes today?
Did Jesus like being asked trick questions?
Did Jesus ignore or yell at those who tried to trick him?
application questions
Should we pay taxes?
What is the purpose of true debate?
How should we treat those who try to trap us?
fact questions
What did Jesus say about taxes?
What did Jesus say about marriage in heaven?
What two groups of people questioned Jesus?
review questions
Why did the Pharisees and Sadducees ask Jesus questions?
Did Jesus answer their questions?
Did Jesus know their hearts?