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The Day Jesus Died, Easter Arch Books
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Jesus' Death (Easter) Vocabulary
(See also lesson on crucifixion) ...for a reason God wants a close relationship with man, John 3:16 Our sin separates us from God, Isa. 59:2 Justice requires that our sins be paid for, Rom. 6:23 God provided a sacrifice to pay for our sins, 1 John 4:10 ...voluntarily Jesus had the choice, Matt. 26:53, 54 He was sinless, 1 Pet. 2:22 Jesus had the power, John 19:11 Jesus had the will, Matt. 26:39 Pleased not himself, Rom 15:3 He loved us, Eph 5:2 ...for you You have nothing to offer that isn't God's already, Luke 17:10 The Father wants a close relationship, so He paid your cost, John 3:16 So that you could choose to be close to Him, James 4:8 This relationship is voluntary, Mark 16:16 Discussion point: The Jews had to make many specific sacrifices to God. Jesus serves as our sacrifice. Do we still sacrifice for him? (Read: Romans 12:1-2, Philippians 2:7, Hebrews 13:15, Psalm 51:17) Illustrative Story: to make this an object lesson, give one student (Tom) a dollar bill. Make out a fake restaurant tab. Say we all went out to a restaurant to eat. We all eat until we're stuffed but Tom eats nothing. Then the waiter delivers the bill. We're broke. Only "Tom" has any money. Who will pay the bill? Tom's the only one with money. Who should pay the bill? We should. But we can't. If Tom pays, is that fair? No. Is it merciful of him? Yes! ![]() Craft: coloring page Peter cuts off Malchus' ear Activity: list some things Christ suffered for you True or False 1. Jesus was forced to die against his will. F 2. God is both fair and merciful. T 3. God wants to have a close relationship with you. T 4. Jesus died because he sinned. F 5. Jesus' blood cleanses us from sin. T Memory Work: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (KJV)Review Questions for gameboard